POSTED: 3/6/2025
ARCHIVED: 312/2025
The Champion Township Events Planning Team will meet at 5 pm on Monday, March 10, 2025, at the 240 Marshall Ave Building, to make preparations for hosting the upcoming Levy Informational meetings. Anyone interested in participating is welcome!
UPDATED: 6/10/2023
ARCHIVED: 1/25/2025
POSTED: 12/20/2024
ARCHIVED: 01/22/2025
POSTED: 01/16/2025
ARCHIVED: 01/22/2025
The Champion Township Board of Trustees will have a special meeting on January 21, 2025, at 6:00 pm, at the Administration Building at 240 Marshall Ave, for the purpose of taking necessary action regarding the proposed Police Levy and conducting other general business of the township.
POSTED: 01/08/2025
ARCHIVED: 01/16/2025
The Champion Township Board of Trustees will have a Special Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6 pm, at the Administration Building at 240 Marshall Ave, for the purpose of completing the required First Reading of the Proposed Police Levy and other general business of the township. This meeting is open to the public.
ARCHIVED: 01/08/2025
Monday Meetings
Please contact the Township Trustees office to confirm prior to each meeting.
January 16, 2024(2)
February 5, 2024
March 4, 2024
April 1, 2024
May 6, 2024
June 3, 2024
July 1, 2024
July 15, 2024(1)
July 29, 2024(3)
August 12, 2024 (4)
September 9, 2024(6)
October 7, 2024
November 4, 2024
December 2, 2024
December 30, 2024 (9)
January 6, 2025 (10)
Tuesday Meetings
Please contact the Township Trustees office to confirm prior to each meeting.
February 20, 2024
April 16, 2024
June 18, 2024
August 20, 2024 - CANCELLED(4)
Sept. 3, 2024(5)
October 15, 2024
October 22 , 2024 (7)
November 19, 2024(8) (At Southington)
December 17, 2024
(10) The Champion Township Trustees will hold a regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 6, 2025, at the Champion Township Administration Building, located at 240 Marshall Avenue.
(9)The Champion Township Trustees will hold a Special Meeting at 6:00 pm on Monday, December 30, 2024, at the Champion Township Administration Building, located at 240 Marshall Avenue, for the purpose of approving temporary appropriations, as well as, conducting other general business of the township.
(8)The Champion Township Board of Trustees will meet with the Southington Township Trustees, in a special meeting, scheduled for November 19, 2024, at 6:00 pm, at the Southington Township Hall, located at 3419 State Route 534, Southington, Ohio 44470, for the purposes of discussing the current EMS contract.
(7)The Champion Township Trustees will host a Special Meeting on 10/22/24, at 6:00 pm, at the 240 Marshall Building, with the Southington Trustees for the purpose of discussing the EMS Contract.
(6)Notice of a change in venue for the regularly scheduled Champion Township Trustee Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6 pm:
The meeting will be held at the recently acquired Champion Township Building, located at 240 Marshall Ave, Warren, 44483, rather than at the Champion High School Community Room.
(5)The Champion Township Trustees will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:30 pm to enter into Executive Session under ORC Code 121.22(G)(1): to consider the employment of a public employee. The meeting will be held at 149 Center St E, Warren, Ohio 44483.
(4)Special Meeting for general purposes, with executive session in a rescheduled workshop. Executive session will be entered under ORC 121.22(G)(1): to consider the appointment/employment of a public official. The regularly scheduled workshop for August 20, 2024, is cancelled.
(3)August 5 Meeting rescheduled due to scheduling conflicts.
(2)January 16 Reorganizational Meeting held due to postponement of January 8 meeting due to illness.
(1)July 15 Meeting to review the proposed 2025 Tax Budget.
POSTED: 01/02/2025
ARCHIVED: 01/08/2025
The Champion Township Trustees will hold a regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 6, 2025, at the Champion Township Administration Building, located at 240 Marshall Avenue.
POSTED: 12/26/2024
ARCHIVED: 01/02/2025
The Champion Township Trustees will hold a Special Meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 30, 2024, at the Champion Township Administration Building, located at 240 Marshall Avenue, for the purpose of approving temporary appropriations, as well as, conducting other general business of the township.
POSTED: 11/7/2024
ARCHIVED: 12/10/2024
POSTED: 12/1/2024
ARCHIVED: 12/5/2024
The Champion Community Event Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the 240 Marshall Ave Building to continue preparations for the Community Tree Lighting event set for Saturday December 7, 2024, from 5 to 8 p.m.
POSTED: 11/13/2024
ARCHIVED: 11/30/2024
The Champion Township Board of Trustees will meet with the Southington Township Trustees, in a special meeting, scheduled for November 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Southington Township Hall, located at 3419 State Route 534, Southington, Ohio 44470, for the purposes of discussing the current EMS contract.
POSTED: 11/12/2024
ARCHIVED: 11/30/2024
An Organizational/Kick Off meeting will be held on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6 pm at the 240 Marshall Ave E. Building, for anyone interested in volunteering and helping with Champion Township sponsored community events. Please contact Laurie-Jo Miller (330-647-1082) with any questions.
POSTED: 9/11/2024
ARCHIVED: 11/7/2024
The Trustees approved the following community events to be held at the Marshall Building (240 Marshall Ave):
POSTED: 10/21/2024
The Champion Township Trustees will host a Special Meeting on 10/22/24, at 6:00 pm, at the 240 Marshall Building, with the Southington Trustees for the purpose of discussing the EMS Contract.
POSTED: 9/11/2024
The Trustees have announced that Trick or Treat in the Township will take place on Oct. 31, 2024 from 6-8 p.m.
POSTED: 10/4/2024
ARCHIVED: 10/21/2024
POSTED: 9/11/2024
ARCHIVED: 10/4/2024
POSTED: 9/5/2024
ARCHIVED: 9/11/2024
There will be a change in venue for the regularly scheduled Champion Township Trustee Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6 pm:
The meeting will be held at the recently acquired Champion Township Building, located at 240 Marshall Ave, Warren, 44483, rather than at the Champion High School Community Room.
POSTED: 8/14/2024
ARCHIVED: 9/11/2024
The Champion Township Trustees met in Executive Session on 8/12/24 , to interview 6 applicants for the vacant Trustee position. As all candidates offered strengths in differing areas, it was a challenging decision. After much deliberation, the Trustees, in an open meeting, appointed Dean Richard "Rick" York to fill the seat vacated by the passing of William Templeton. The Trustees thanked all candidates for their interest in the position.
POSTED: 8/29/2024
ARCHIVED: 9/5/2024
The Champion Township Trustees will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. to enter into Executive Session under ORC Code 121.22(G)(1): to consider the employment of a public employee. The meeting will be held at 149 Center St E, Warren, Ohio 44483.
POSTED: 8/9/2024
ARCHIVED 8/21/2024
Attention Champion residents:
The Champion Township Trustees have decided to offer storm cleanup for the residents of Champion for the next week. We will not do any cutting or removal from yards. No branches are to exceed 4-5" round. Please have your branches stacked by the roadway for removal. We will be coming around from 8/12/24 through 8/16/2024. Anything beyond that date will be your responsibility. This is a one time cleanup.
Thank you!
POSTED: 8/9/2024
ARCHIVED: 8/21/2024
Champion Township Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting, for general purposes, with executive session in a rescheduled workshop on August 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Champion Board of Education Community Room, 5975 Mahoning Ave. Executive session will be entered under ORC 121.22(G)(1): to consider the appointment/employment of a public official. The regularly scheduled workshop for August 20, 2024, is cancelled.
POSTED: 7/23/2024
ARCHIVED: 8/9/2024
The Champion Township Meeting scheduled for 8/5/24 has been moved to 7/29/24, due to scheduling conflicts. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm and it will be at the Community Room at Champion High School.
POSTED: 7/23/2024
ARCHIVED: 8/5/2024
Letters of Interest to be considered to fulfill Bill Templeton's unexpired Trustee Term of Office are being accepted at the Township Admin Garage and/or by contacting Rex Fee until 7/30/24 at 2 pm. Rex can be reached at 330-442-2508.
POSTED: 7/3/2024
ARHIVED: 7/23/2024
The Champion Township Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting at the Champion High School Community Room, 5976 Mahoning Ave, Warren, Ohio, on Monday, July 15, 2024, at 6:00 pm to review the proposed 2025 Tax Budget.
POSTED: 2/6/2024
ARCHIVED 6/11/2024
May 22-26, 2024.
No permit required.
The Champion Community Calendar will post a list of garage sales taking place during the township's FREE garage sale days. Click the button for more information.
Inclusion in the list is free and is not required in order to have your sale.
POSTED: 4/3/2024
ARCHIVED: 4/22/2024
POSTED: 4/3/2024
ARCHIVED: 6/11/2024
POSTED: 12/19/2023
ARCHIVED 6/11/2024
The meeting scheduled for Monday, Dec. 19, 2023 is postponed until Dec. 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. It will be preceded by a public hearing at 6 p.m. on Zoning Text Amendments.
POSTED: 6/21/2023
ARCHIVED: 10/3/2023
POSTED: 9/1/2023
ARCHIVED: 9/20/2023
POSTED: 3/3/2023
ARCHIVED: 9/21/2023
Applications are being accepted for alternate to the Zoning Commission.
POSTED: 2/23/2023
POSTED: 2/23/2023
ARCHIVED: 3/27/2023
POSTED: 3/3/2023
May 17 -21.
No permit required.
POSTED: 9/1/22
ARCHIVED: 11/1/2022
Sept. 1, 2022
The Champion Trustees have announced that Trick or Treat will be held on Oct. 31, 2022 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
The County has entered into an electric aggregation program with FirstEnergy Solutions for the term of March 2018 to March 2022. Eligible customers are automatically enrolled in the program, unless they recently moved into their home. The early termination fee is $25.
The Pilgrims brought the Township form of government to America in 1620 and Townships are found in twenty-two states today. In Ohio, Townships predate state government and townships were typically five or six miles square in size.
Today, the township remains a political subdivision of the state. To keep pace with the demands of changing times, the functions, duties and obligations of townships have changed over the years. Demands for increased or different services have prompted the state legislature to grant Ohio’s 1,308 townships the authority to fulfill these changing needs. Ohio was admitted to the Union in 1803 then in 1804, Townships were established as the basic form of local government.
Champion Township operates under the township form of government, which is the oldest form of government in the United States and the one closest to the people. The township is governed by a three-member board of trustees two of which are elected in November of the year after the presidential election. One is elected in November of the year before the presidential election. There is also an elected Township Fiscal Officer, who serves a term beginning on April 1st of the year after the election, which is held in November of the year before the presidential election. The three Trustees have the legislative authority of the township, and the Fiscal Officer, has all of the fiscal responsibilities of the Township.
The Trustees decide issues of township policy and are responsible for all expenditures of funds. Some of the duties of the board include adopting the annual budget, serving as a board of finance and approving township contracts. Township trustees do not hold regular offices hours. They fulfill their duties on a part-time basis. However, because they live in the community, they are more readily available to their constituents. They are more able to deal with problems that arise in the township because of their intimate knowledge of the community, its needs and its people.
The Fiscal Officer is an elected, non-voting, independent member of the Board of Trustees. The Fiscal Officer has all of the fiscal responsibilities of the Township, including paying bills, payrolls, and receiving revenue as it is distributed to the Township and must comply with all legal requirements set forth in the Ohio Revised Code for the duties of this office. The Fiscal Officer's responsibilities also include keeping accurate record of the proceedings of board of township trustee meetings.
Township government offers more personal service, more attention to individual needs, and a better understanding of local problems than any other unit of government. It is able to do this at low cost and with a minimum of red tape because it is closest to those it serves.
Responses for those interested in connecting to water service or those choosing to have a curb box on their property are still being accepted by the Trumbull County Sanitary Engineers.
The Champion Township Board of Trustees believes that this project is beneficial to the residents of the Champion Township and supports the Trumbull County Engineers. If you did not receive a survey or have misplaced it, we will be providing them at the administrative office.
On August 2nd the Champion Township Fire Department placed their 2019 Sutphen Monarch fire engine in service. The purchase price of the new engine was $ 442,160.00 and will have an annual payment of $53,742.00 per year for 10 years. The newest edition of Engine 21, replaced the 1992 KME fire engine that had served the community for 28 hard years, The members of Champion Fire would like to thank the board of trustees for granting us the ability to purchase this state of the art engine for our community. Please take the time to stop by the station to look at your new engine!
In September of 1928 a hand full of residents and business owners saw the need for fire protection. The Champion Heights Fire Department INC. was established as a subscription private company. In 1933 the department was turned over to the Champion Township Trustees due to mounting cost and the Champion Township Fire Department was born. In 1955 a full time Fire Chief was hired and by 1965 the department had manning 24 hours a day. EMS service was added in the mid 1970, with paramedic service being added in 1982. Today due to the rise in our call volume we are staffed 24/7 with four personnel who man eight apparatus. The call volume in 1929 was 15, and in 2017 we responded to 2,322 alarms. Champion Township Fire Department is an I.S.O. Class 4/4y
POSTED: 9/1/22
ARCHIVED: 11/1/2022
Sept. 1, 2022
The Champion Trustees have announced the appointment of Larry Skaggs as the new Chief of Police.
POSTED: 3/3/2023
ARCHIVED: 5/7/2023
Trumbull County Health Department - Additional Information
The return of warmer weather, coupled with recent rainfall, unfortunately provides favorable conditions for mosquito development.
The Trumbull County Combined Health Department would like to bring to your attention that their agency will be providing, at no cost, mosquito larvicide service. This service will provide tablets that are dropped into stagnant water to inhibit mosquito breeding.
Larvicide service is NOT meant to replace any action used to control adult mosquitoes or replace personal protection efforts (i.e. use of repellents, wearing light colored clothing, long pants, long sleeve shirts, etc.)
If you have areas on your property that you would like treated, contact The Trumbull County Combined Health Department at (330) 675-2489. They also can answer any questions you may have concerning their services and recommendations related to mosquito control.
Chris Connelly
Champion Township Road Superintendent
October 10th, 2018
The leaves will soon be falling and the Champion Road Department would like to again remind residents about keeping obstructions from adversely affecting our storm water systems. Please do not allow leaves to enter pipes, drains or ditches. Likewise do not dump or rake leaves into roadside or any drainage ditch.
Road ditches, pipes installed in road ditches, catch basins, culverts, small ditches or creeks, ponds, and also retention ponds are all devices designed to transfer surface water from private land, either along or under the roadways to our rivers and/or lakes. This storm water eventually becomes our drinking water.
Generally, any drain or basin that has an opening to accept rain water is a storm water system, which is different from sewage systems which should be closed and eventually will go to a treatment facility. For that reason, and to prevent these systems from becoming plugged or blocked, we all have a responsibility to keep storm water systems clean and free of pollutants.
Any dumping of hazardous materials such as paint, antifreeze, motor oil, pesticides, etc. is a violation of Ohio laws. These materials, if disposed improperly in storm water systems, end up in our recreational and/or drinking water. Likewise, the dumping of grass clippings, leaves, branches or garbage could result in blockages which can severely restrict or block completely the drainage system. This can cause damage to homes and property due to flooding, as well as increase standing water, which can cause health concerns.
Hopefully with all of our cooperation and effort, we can safeguard our drainage systems and water for the benefit of Champion residents and future generations. Thank you.
POSTED: 7/29/2023
The Champion Township Board of Trustees deemed it necessary in the interest of public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare to establish a general plan for zoning for Champion Township. Zoning for Champion Township was voted on November 5, 1957.
Total votes cast were:
For 906
Against 829
Zoning was certified to Champion Township Trustees by Trumbull County Board of Elections November 14, 1957.
POSTED: 2/6/2024
ARCHIVED: 4/6/2024
Champion Township is hiring a Grant Writer for the Administration Department and a Truck Driver/Laborer for the Road Department. Applicants should download, complete, and sign the general application available below. Completed applications and resumes (if desired) should be either EMAILED to: or MAILED to 149 Center St. East, Warren, OH 44481 ATT: Fiscal Officer. Please do not hand in application/resumes in person.
POSTED: 12/14/22
ARCHIVED: 1/7/2023
Submit applications to no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, January 6, 2023.
POSTED: 12/12/22
ARCHIVED: 12/14/22
POSTED: 12/06/22
ARCHIVED: 12/14/22
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